KidsRead 有聲積木_Talking Alphabet Blocks (不含錄音點讀筆)

$120.00 $107.95

先來聊聊「積木」 長久存在人類社會中的積木,是一項家家戶戶都在使用的幼兒啟蒙玩具。操作積木,可以是一場沒有對錯與否的單純遊戲,更可以是引導幼兒各大智能指標發展的感官之旅。 以美國心理學家Howard Gardner在1983及1999年提出「多元智能」概念,多元智能理論取代傳統單一智力觀點,改以複數形式的智能觀點,定義人類智能類別與發展。若進一步以幼兒成長過程中主力發展的「八大智能」進行分析,積木可以在:人際智能、語文智能、視覺空間智能、邏輯數學智能、肢體動覺智能、內省智能,這六項領域中協助幼兒的多元發展,是少數的全面性提升智能的教玩具之一。 積木給予幼兒最直接學習便是促進「立體空間概念」的建立,另外,藉由操作積木,還可以強化對於顏色、形狀等基礎概念的學習,是「認知學習」過程中很有效率的啟蒙與刺激。 孩子將積木層層堆疊的過程中,「手眼協調」更是關鍵,為了成功疊上積木,幼兒透過積木練習了力道的拿捏,訓練了手指/手腕/手臂的穩定度及控制力等精細動作。 積木有著不受限制,可隨時重組的特性,操作的自由度極高,過程中孩子大腦中醞釀並展現的想像力與創造力更是積木獨有的特性。孩子可以大膽地嘗試,沒有顧忌地實驗;積木倒了,就立刻重來,是少數不太容易因失敗而引發挫折感的教玩具。 產品規格 1本點讀硬頁書(26頁),26個大寫字母有聲積木(正反面皆有點讀功能),28張點讀卡片。 使用手冊(中文內容)提供圖檔下載。 附註:26個字母有聲積木,木質材質與上漆用料,皆通過安全玩具標章認可,取得認證字號。積木360度精細打磨,邊角圓潤不刮手,較大尺寸,孩子不會因為誤吞而造成呼吸道阻塞。配合2歲以上孩子之精細動作發展,容易操作,不會產生挫折感。 同場加映 「KidsRead有聲積木」+「Phonics Cards發音字卡」= 字母學習完全攻略 字母學習的三大領域 Letter Shape:大寫字母與小寫字母 Letter Name:A, B, C…Z 26個字母的名字 Letter Sound:26個字母基礎Phonics發音規則 「KidsRead有聲積木」以具體的積木啟發孩子對於Letter Shape英文字母大寫的認識,卡片上的粗糙觸摸,讓孩子以手指描寫大寫字型,卡片單字圖面的凹槽,直覺地讓幼兒將字母積木與單字結合。再透過有聲積木的點讀功能,輸入Letter Names每個字母的讀法。 「Phonics Cards發音字卡」以點讀卡片介紹Letter...



以美國心理學家Howard Gardner在1983及1999年提出「多元智能」概念,多元智能理論取代傳統單一智力觀點,改以複數形式的智能觀點,定義人類智能類別與發展。若進一步以幼兒成長過程中主力發展的「八大智能」進行分析,積木可以在:人際智能、語文智能、視覺空間智能、邏輯數學智能、肢體動覺智能、內省智能,這六項領域中協助幼兒的多元發展,是少數的全面性提升智能的教玩具之一。





同場加映 「KidsRead有聲積木」+「Phonics Cards發音字卡」= 字母學習完全攻略

Letter Shape:大寫字母與小寫字母
Letter Name:A, B, C…Z 26個字母的名字
Letter Sound:26個字母基礎Phonics發音規則

「KidsRead有聲積木」以具體的積木啟發孩子對於Letter Shape英文字母大寫的認識,卡片上的粗糙觸摸,讓孩子以手指描寫大寫字型,卡片單字圖面的凹槽,直覺地讓幼兒將字母積木與單字結合。再透過有聲積木的點讀功能,輸入Letter Names每個字母的讀法。

「Phonics Cards發音字卡」以點讀卡片介紹Letter Shape小寫字母的字型,另外以卡片上的粗糙觸摸,鼓勵孩子描寫小寫字母,點讀筆播放Letter Sound與主題歌謠,帶領孩子接觸26個字母的Phonics自然發音基礎規則。

除了字母學習之外,「KidsRead有聲積木」+「Phonics Cards發音字卡」一共提供52個與字母外型或是發音有強烈關聯性的單字,除了字母學習之外,更為了日後的英文閱讀鋪路。

KidsRead有聲積木 > Phonics Cards發音字卡 > JY Phonics Readers (JPR) > JY Sight Word Readers 
Self Collection Address

Pickup locations 交貨點地址 

Please note that our main pick-up location is in Point Cook, for other locations it may take up to 1-3 weeks for items to arrive. You will recieve an email notification when order is ready for pick up. 

For urgent orders please contact 

Melbourne West 

🏬 Point Cook | Bona Family Warehouse
Home Road, Point cook / Payson road, Point Cook
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約

🏬 Sunshine North (will take 1 week to arrive in this 
Lorikeet Court, Sunshine North VIC 3020
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約

Melbourne CBD

🏬 Melbourne CBD | Glory City Church 
601 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Sun 11.30am - 12.30pm 
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約

Melbourne East

🏬 Burwood | Seekit Melbourne 優實生活館
 ($3 fees)
Unit 2, 125-127 Highbury Road, Burwood 
Tue - Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm

🏬 Boxhill | Pola Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
15 Market St, Box Hill VIC 3128
Mon - Sun 10:00 - 17:30 

🏬Clayton |  Polar Express  ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
375A Clayton Road, ClaytonVIC 3168
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 17:30 pm 

🏬 Glen Waverley  |  Polar Express  ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
75 Railway Parade North, Glen Waverley, VIC 3150
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 17:30 pm 


Melbourne South 南 

🏬 Carnegie  |  Polar Express  ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
78 Koornag Road, Carnegie, VIC 3163
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 19:30 pm 

Melbourne North

🏬 Preston  |  Polar Express  ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
424 High Street, Preston, VIC 3072
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat   10:00 am - 17:30 pm 

🏬 Campbellfield  |  Polar Express  ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
4 The Crossway Campbellfield, VIC 3061
Mon - Fri 10:00 am - 17:30 pm 

Shipping & Return

Delivery Policy

Melbourne Metro
Free postage on orders over $150
Flat rate postage $10 for orders less than $150

Free postage on orders over $280
Postage rate will be calculate through checkout for orders less than $280

Postage rate will be calculate through checkout.

Please note!!

  • Shipping for Bulky items will not qualify for free shipping or for free shipping in combination with other products. Postage rate will be calculate through checkout. May have extra cost need to be pay.
  • Rural Area (VIC/NSW/WA/SA/ACT/QLD) will not qualify for free/flat shipping or for free shipping in combination with other products. Shipping fee would be send out once we recieve your order. May have extra cost need to be pay. 
  • If your postage seems radiculusly high please emailed us via and we will review it for you.

If you have any questions please emailed us via

Deliveries are made by courier service Monday through to Friday only. Your order is dispatched from Melbourne, Victoria. The approximate delivery time to metro areas is 3-6 working days. 

However the following approximate transit times apply for regional areas:
SA 7-9 working days
TAS 7-9 working days
WA 10-14 working days
NT 12-14 working days


Pre Orders 
Please note, if your order contains an item that is on ‘pre order’, your entire order will be held and shipped together as soon as your pre-order item arrives.

Breakage during delievery, Faulty, or missing products
It is the customers responsibility to check all the items on arrival to ensure no breakages have occurred in transit and that you have recieve your order in full. Any problem describe above must be reported immediately within 7 days of arrival or pick up. If an item arrives broken, the item will need to be returned to Bona Family and the replacement item will be forwarded to you or refund. Please note that Bona Family is not responsible for any breakages that occur once the toy has been played with. Manufacturing faults will be referred to the manufacturer.

Delivery Address
Please ensure that your delivery address is complete and correct. In the event that a parcel is returned to us due to failure to collect from the post office or an incorrect or incomplete delivery address being provided, you will be charged a return fee along with a second delivery fee. The second delivery fee will not be eligible for our $10 flat rate shipping charge and we will charge you exactly what Courier company charge us to re-ship the parcel to you.


Metro Area postcode as below

  • Sydney Metro postcodes: 1000-1920, 2000-2239, 2555-2574, 2740-2786

  • Canberra Metro postcodes: 0200-0299, 2600-2620, 2900-2920

  • Melbourne Metro postcodes: 3000-3210, 3335-3341, 3425-3443, 3750-3811, 3910-3920, 3926-3944, 3972-3978, 3980-3983, 8000-8899

  • Brisbane Metro postcodes: 2484-2494, 4000-4370, 4373-4381, 4400-4405, 4500-4580, 4600-4610, 4614-4618, 9000-9919

  • Adelaide Metro postcodes: 5000-5199, 5800-5999

  • Perth Metro postcode: 6000-6214, 6800-6999