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Australia Memory Card Game

Australia Memory Card Game

PRE-ORDER due for delivery November 2020 - with plenty of time to arrive to you by Christmas! Get your hands on this amazing, modern take on the classic memory game!  The...


■ 商品介紹 動手剪出32種造型剪紙,讓大腦變靈活,玩出創造力與成就感!剪紙是幼兒在成長過程中最喜愛的遊戲之一,可以訓練孩子精準的手眼協調、保持注意力集中與耐心。本書適合初次練習剪紙的孩子使用,先從直線、弧線開始,再到曲線、折線與較複雜的形狀,孩子可輕鬆剪出各種可愛的圖案。剪下的圖形可以當成扮家家酒的道具,或是畫圖製作成卡片等等,讓孩子發揮想像力,培養創造力與美學,玩出成就感! ■ 商品特色 1.可撕下每一頁為了方便孩子剪紙,每一頁皆可沿著切線撕下來,裁剪時更易於操作。2.趣味造型剪紙沿著灰色線條剪,就能輕鬆剪出可愛的圖案。剪下來的物件可讓孩子發揮創意自由搭配,隨意排列、繪圖或裝飾等,創造新玩法。3.內容創意豐富內容由淺入深,分成直線、曲線、波浪線條等,共32款剪紙遊戲,滿足孩子愛動手動腦的欲望。4.插圖童趣可愛色彩繽紛的插圖增加孩子的興趣,對於自己完成的作品會更加喜愛,培養自信與成就感。 ■ 商品功能 ★32款造型剪紙,內容由淺入深,讓孩子掌握各種剪紙的技巧,享受做勞作的樂趣。★訓練手部精細動作發展與良好的手眼協調,同時增加注意力與耐心,建立成就感。★色彩豐富、造型可愛,作品可以當作家家酒道具或房間擺設,發揮孩子無限的想像力。
天絲涼被 150x195公分

天絲涼被 150x195公分

Size : 約150x195公分 
AROMASE Red Rose Damaged Recovery Conditioner 400mL

AROMASE Red Rose Damaged Recovery Conditioner 400mL

$39.99 $43.95
Tame your frizzy hair with damask rose oil, hydrates and detangles the frizzy hair naturally. A herbal hydrating formula that leaves your hair silky smooth without any oil or stickiness!...
MagicPatch Itch Relief Patches
1 pack2 packs

MagicPatch Itch Relief Patches

$19.95 – $28.00
Using our Grid-Relief Technology, our Itch Relief patches mechanically lift the skin (no chemicals) to drain the lymphatic system which has been injected by the mosquito's saliva that causes the...
Snack Bowl Set 天然聚乳酸點心碗組

Snack Bowl Set 天然聚乳酸點心碗組

獨特方形設計盛裝食物不受限,碗壁低高度方便寶寶伸手抓 矽膠保鮮蓋:居家保存冷藏、外出用餐攜帶的小幫手 防滑吸盤:可拆脫式,超強吸力輔助寶寶學習吃飯不打翻 美國FDA及德國LFGB安心認證 100%天然無毒,不含PVC及BP 可拆脫防滑吸盤,輔助幼兒學習吃飯 可完美堆疊,省空間好收納 內壁略帶直角設計,方便寶寶挖取食物   Dimensions:  Snack Bowl-13.2x 13.2x 4.7/ 112(g) / 400(ml)Snack Bowl Lid- 13.3x 13.3 x1.65 / 35(g)Suction Foot- 14.4x 13 x1.7 / 26(g)天然聚乳酸(又稱PLA)的成份來自100%植物聚乳酸,是由天然植物萃取物聚合而成,並由台灣製造。我們精心挑選PLA的原料,確保來源和製程皆友善環境與社會:...
Dinosaur Paradise Avocado Moisturizing Children's 2in1 shampoo and body wash.

Dinosaur Paradise Avocado Moisturizing Children's 2in1 shampoo and body wash.

$14.95 $21.99
🧒 Specifically designed for children aged four and above. A combination of shampoo and body wash that moisturizes the skin and leaves the hair smooth and tangle-free. Designed specifically for...
Juniper Baby Gentle Cleanser 80ml

Juniper Baby Gentle Cleanser 80ml

$18.99 $20.99
Daily cleansing product explicitly designed for 0-1-year-old baby's skin. It does not contain Western medicine, MI, MCI chemical preservatives, silicone, artificial colours, fragrances, or low-foaming agents. After cleansing the baby's...
Teascovery Jujube Black Tea 熱泡 棗尋蜜紅  (效期 05.12.24)

Teascovery Jujube Black Tea 熱泡 棗尋蜜紅 (效期 05.12.24)

商品特色 棗尋蜜紅:甘甜滋潤,養出你的好氣色 1.紅棗溫潤補氣,是果品中百果之王 2.百分百天然食材,真實棗甘甜+小葉種紅茶甘韻 3.獨創製程技術,溫潤紅棗完美融合紅茶蜜甜 銷售重點 萬人見證!棗尋蜜紅 >>冬季冠軍熱銷10萬包!今年冬季升溫必備、美顏絕對!
Crawling Leggings - Grey Melange

Crawling Leggings - Grey Melange

GoBabyGo crawling leggings has unique designed rubber pads on the knees for better grip when starting to crawl. They are made from soft stretch cotton with a wide ribbed waist...
Crawling Leggings - Dark Grey Melange

Crawling Leggings - Dark Grey Melange

GoBabyGo crawling leggings has unique designed rubber pads on the knees for better grip when starting to crawl. They are made from soft stretch cotton with a wide ribbed waist...