Sale Feeding Collection
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Muffin cups
At We Might Be Tiny we’re all about products that do things well. As in really well. And our silicone muffin cups happen to tick all the boxes on two...
Cuitisan Togo Flora (L) Set No.2 (Partition No.3 x1 + Flora No.7 x2)
Microwave and Oven Safe Stainless Steel Container Temperature Endure Range -40oC ~ 400oC Freezer Safe BPA Free Designed in Europe Made from CromoSteel technology 100% Airtight and Leak-Proof Unbreakable and...
Cookie Stampies®
stampies® – the fun silicone animal cookie stamps Feeling adventurous? Looking for fun ways to spend quality time in the kitchen with your tiny human? Our colourful animal cookie stamp...
Healthy Meal Set 天然聚乳酸分隔餐盤組
寬闊盤面適合裝面積大的食物與方便寶貝抓取 矽膠分隔盤:耐熱230度.可使用微波爐、電鍋、蒸氣消毒 防滑吸盤:可拆脫式,超強吸力輔助寶寶學習吃飯不打翻 美國FDA及德國LFGB安心認證 100%天然無毒,不含PVC及BPA 可拆脫防滑吸盤,輔助幼兒學習吃飯 內壁略帶直角設計,方便寶寶挖取食物 有效區隔各種菜色,孩子能嚐到食物真滋味 六種顏色組合,妝點餐桌色彩 Dimensions: Sandwich Plate- 21.1x 21.1x 3.7 / 224(g) /600(ml)Smart Divider- 22x 14.5x 2.5 / 97(g)Suction Foot- 14.4x 13 x1.7 /...

2 Partition Round 150ml3 Partition Round 280ml2 Partition Rectangle 220ml2 Partition Rectangle 370ml2 Partition Rectangle 700ml3 Partition Rectangle 560ml3 Partition Rectangle 900ml2 Partition Rectangle 1000ml No.4
Cuitisan Partition series
$24.95 – $74.95
Microwave and Oven Safe Stainless Steel Container Temperature Endure Range -40oC ~ 400oC Freezer Safe BPA Free Designed in Europe Made from CromoSteel technology 100% Airtight and Leak-Proof Unbreakable and...
Cuitisan Signature Rectangle series
$34.95 – $89.95
Microwave and Oven Safe Stainless Steel Container Temperature Endure Range -40oC ~ 400oC Freezer Safe BPA Free Designed in Europe Made from CromoSteel technology 100% Airtight and Leak-Proof Unbreakable and...
Freeze & Bake Mini Poddies® (3 colours)
As families with tiny humans, there appears to be an endless demand for snacks.They need to be tasty. They need to delight. They need to be fun! That’s where our...
Snack Bowl Set 天然聚乳酸點心碗組
獨特方形設計盛裝食物不受限,碗壁低高度方便寶寶伸手抓 矽膠保鮮蓋:居家保存冷藏、外出用餐攜帶的小幫手 防滑吸盤:可拆脫式,超強吸力輔助寶寶學習吃飯不打翻 美國FDA及德國LFGB安心認證 100%天然無毒,不含PVC及BP 可拆脫防滑吸盤,輔助幼兒學習吃飯 可完美堆疊,省空間好收納 內壁略帶直角設計,方便寶寶挖取食物 Dimensions: Snack Bowl-13.2x 13.2x 4.7/ 112(g) / 400(ml)Snack Bowl Lid- 13.3x 13.3 x1.65 / 35(g)Suction Foot- 14.4x 13 x1.7 / 26(g)天然聚乳酸(又稱PLA)的成份來自100%植物聚乳酸,是由天然植物萃取物聚合而成,並由台灣製造。我們精心挑選PLA的原料,確保來源和製程皆友善環境與社會:...
Sili Mini Go 合掌包經典全配組
The complete set that makes outside meals easy for minis and parents! This silicone bundle set has everything early feeders need for enjoying meals away from home - a suction plate...
Icy pole mould (6 colours)
May we introduce our three popular friends – the cute cat, the grumpy bear and the bouncing bunny. They have teamed up to introduce endless food adventures into your family...
Cereal Bowl Set 天然聚乳酸麥片碗組
寬口徑、內壁略帶直角設計,適合初學習自主進食的寶寶舀取各種食物 矽膠碗蓋:居家保存冷藏、外出用餐攜帶的小幫手 防滑吸盤:可拆脫式,超強吸力輔助寶寶學習吃飯不打翻 美國FDA及德國LFGB安心認證 100%天然無毒,不含PVC及BPA 可拆脫防滑吸盤,輔助幼兒學習吃飯 可完美堆疊,省空間好收納 內壁略帶直角設計,方便寶寶挖取食物 最適合剛學習吃副食品的寶貝們 Dimensions: Cereal Bowl-12.7x 12.7x 5.7/ 125(g) / 350(ml)Cereal Bowl Lid- 13x 13 x1.65 / 32(g)Suction Foot- 14.4x 13 x1.7 /...